The Story of Each of Us


Come and listen, dear children,

to the story of each of us.

It’s the story of who we are,

where we came from,

and what we may become.

A long, long time ago,

beyond the furthest wave of the ocean

there lived a wonderful person. 

The four winds played

with him as their friend. 

Earth smiled when he came

and when he went. 

Different lights in the sky

reflected the time.

He’d wake up with the sun

and sleep at the end of the day.

This is the way that it was,

but it was not always this way. 


For once there was only dust.

 It was not ordinary dust--

Each one was alive as you and me. 

Smaller than the pollen of a Lilac tree, 

these dust-minds could feel and could know. 

Each one was separate--floating through space, 

but knew it was not alone.


The space-breeze started to blow and blow. 

The dust-minds began to glow and glow. 

One of them was glowing so brightly

that he said to himself “Hey! I glow.” 

Well, thinking this thought startled him so

that he bumped right into a neighboring glow. 

The other said “Why, it’s you.” 

He replied with a nod

“Yes, It’s true. It’s me.” 

This was the first time

that any of them 

had spoken to one other. 

The rest of the dust was amazed

as the first one became the Father,

the second, the Mother.


So, children, you see

that the way it began

is not as some others might say. 

It began with a thought,

began with a know,

began with a little tiny-sized glow

who found out who he was

with the help of a friend

who found out the very same way. 

So if you ever try 

to do something nice

that makes the inside

of you glow,

Know who you are

and never forget

so you’ll do

what you hoped.


The Father said to the Mother close by

that he’d like to try something new. 

She hoped to make their space different

from the place that they knew. 

These two dust-minds

made the very first line

that ever was seen in their world.

They made it this long

from one glow to another

from Father to Mother.

“Yes,” said the first,

“It’s a very nice thing. 

It glows like us but it’s not.” 

“Yes,”  said his friend,

“I can’t tell you how much

it looks like the one that I thought.”  

They then took the line

they had made with their minds

and made others and many and more. 

Some they made long

and some made they bright.

 They twisted the lines

to make patterns of light

 to beautify all of their world.


But that is not all--

From this beauty there came even more.  

The others surrounded

this wonderful place 

and moved close together just so.

They looked all around

and suddenly heard

that music had started to play.

 Yes, music with tones

so rich and so soft

that it told them

how they should go. 

The patterns and shapes

the Creators had made

moved with music

they played on their own. 


Everything living 

that was made by that time

united in harmony. 

They made fire and wind

with the rhythm and rime,

 their light made the earth and the seas. 

The islands and lowlands

 and mountains and lees

came together in the first verse or two. 

All of rivers and waters

and clouds and the breeze

was the chorus so clear and true. 

They made sun and the moon

and the stars to reflect

the light they would give me and you. 

The song still continued for time yet unmeasured

 and made plants and animals

 in the place they belong. 

Our first parents felt a wonderful pleasure

as their patterns and lines

moved the sound of their song. 

They breathed life into all

 of the new things they made.

They stepped back and saw

the whole wonderful world

as it rocked on its wings

in the place they’d designed.


Father looked at Mother and said to her 

“How you’ve changed since the time we first met! 

You have a part of everything beautiful

we together have made. 

I see it in the lines of your form

and in the light from your face.” 

She said to him

“Oh, you see not yourself

the actual way that you are. 

You’re more marvelous to me

than all of the songs that we’ve made,

everything that was born with our light. 

And this is what I had an inkling of

when I first said ‘It’s you.’ 

You gave me the courage

to go with you then

when you said to me

‘Yes, that’s right.’”


The two came together

with power they’d gathered

from their times making dust into glory. 

They made that great person I told you about

in the very beginning of my story. 

Here they paused, for they understood

that they only did it together. 

So they waited for a very long time

for their man to find out who he was.

He studied and named

everything in his world

all the animals and

places we know.

Then late one night,

he looked up in the sky

and saw the reflection

of the light of his life.

He said to himself “HeyI glow.”

This was the second beginning

of life that we know,

for the Father and Mother sent him a friend

who helped him to do what he hoped.


This man is like each of you. 

If you really want to,

you can say to yourself “I glow.” 

And the only one who will know

is the person you grow up to be. 

“Why, it’s you!”  “Yes, that’s trueIt’s me.”