Kinesthetic intelligence is defined as the ability to solve real-world problems with complex, specialized body movements, such as hunting, fighting, or even dancing. Everyone knows someone who is very active and physically fit. They do really well in competitive, intense environments, and don't necessarily like sitting still or waiting. Kinesthetic intelligence emerges at birth and dominates physical development, enabling communication with others through body movements. In original cultures, the kinesthetic desire led to innovations such as the theater, martial arts, sports, and dance. Advances such as horseback riding, light infantry, the Olympic Games, or even cosplay could not have occurred without kinesthetic intelligence. Today, people with a high kinesthetic intelligence find careers as choreographers, actors, craftspersons, and professional athletes. I have a friend who uses movement in a language class, but the audience is children playing with music, costumes, drama, and dance. I can't really do that in my class. My handouts not only encourage movement while writing, but also use movement as a metaphor in the writing task, which is helpful.